Library Advisory Committee Committee: 2022-23
Constitution :
The committee shall consist of the following members :
The Hon. Principal to be nominated as Chairman.
HOD of Department as faculty representative.
Librarian – Member Secretary.
Functions :
1. The Mission of the library committee is to advice on resource development and
other activities related to users’ needs to library of institute .Library Advisory
Committee is suppose to advise on policy matters ,collection development, services
and facilities. Library Advisory Committee`s role is appreciated in as balancing act
of all subjects resource development.
2. Responsibilities of Library and its members :
Library Advisory Committee can advice on specific issues, problems and concerns related to library and make recommendations to the head of institute.
Provide the library manager with the input.
Facilitate communication between Head of institute, LAC members, and the library
Obtain the advice and views of the users on library needs in their area, and report these views to head of institute.
To consider and put forward the views of faculty members regarding books/journals selection, ordering process etc.