Disciplinary Committee

The school Disciplinary Committee has been re-constituted to ensure face, secure and supportive environment for students who are the pivotal for every school. It is re-constitute for the maintenance of discipline in school. The committee re-constitute on 15/03/2022. The committee will ensure that the students obey rules and regulations and remain orderly and peaceful in the pursuant of educational objectives/goals in the school community.

The Disciplinary Committee re-constituted of the following staff members for session 2022-23:

S.No. Name of Members Official Position Designation
1. Mr. Balraj Principal Chairperson
2. Mr. Darshan Singh Overall Head Incharge of Discipline Member Secretary
3. Mr. Mukesh Kumar & Monal Senior Wing Discipline Incharge Member
4. Mr. Kanwaljit Singh & Mrs. Shanti Rani Junior Wing Discipline Incharge Member
5. Mrs. Preeti School Counselor Member

To ensure character training and behaviour of the students. The Disciplinary Committee will look into the following functions:

  • 1. To assist the students in conforming to school rules and regulations.
  • 2. To help students develop self-discipline.
  • 3. To administer consequence, commensurate with offence committed by any student.
  • 4. To administer consequence, commensurate with offence committed by any student.
  • 5. To promote and encourage good behaviour among the students.
  • 6. To create an environment that is conducive to peaceful and harmonious consistence of students of different houses and grades.