The School assigns a very important role to the parents/guardian in the education of their wards. It is only through the cooperation of both the parents and the teachers that a child can be fine tuned to prepare them so that they can face the World with confidence and grit. Parents – Educator Meeting will be held on third Saturday of every month and it is compulsory for both the student and the parents to attend it. It is through such meetings the teachers get to know more of the backgrounds of the student so that in case of special attention, such care could be extended to the child. The parents in turn will come to know of the performance of their ward direct from the teachers and through mutual discussions, problems if any could be rectified also. We add certain general guidelines for the parents to take care of:
- Parents are to look into the School diary everyday and see to it that the lessons and home works assigned for the next day are performed.
- Remarks, if any, made in the diary by the School authorities should be seen and countersigned.
- If the parents have any grievance against any of the teachers or of anything else, they may meet the Principal and settle the matter amicably.
- Criticism of the child’s teachers or her School in the presence of the child should be avoided as it may affect her confidence adversely.
- Please ensure that your wards are regular and punctual in attendance and insist on neatness and cleanliness of their books and personal appearance.
- Parents may occasionally meet the Principal to discuss the performance of the ward. However, in case of discussion with teachers prior appointments have to be made through the Principal.
- Do not engage any of our teachers for private tuition.
- In matters of evaluation of answer sheets and the annual promotions the decision of the Principal shall be final and binding.
- Please do not support your wards for indulging in vices; else your love might hamper them from learning responsibilities.
- Change of address and telephone numbers must be informed to the School promptly.